Monday, September 19, 2011

Paleo Gathering Wrap Up

Yesterday was our monthly Paleoplanet gathering. In spite of it being a beautiful day, we had a slow turn-out. But one guy wanted to come so bad he rode his bike an hour and a half to get there.  Then he wanted my help making a basket for a Boy Scout Badge. Then he worked on some leather work kerchief holders.

I worked on my 2nd beaded feather earring.  But mostly I played with Jack, who is almost a year old. His mom was happy to share him with me.  It is one week until his birthday.

Aimee was there with her sketchbook. Chris was busy figuring out how to dip arrows. Tom Mahr, John Scordo, David, and Guy were also there. Sal was away in Mexico visiting with family. Derrick and Ron both dropped by but didn't stay long. And Alex came on his motorcycle. The other Alex got married two weeks ago but he was there with his son doing archery.

Jack just learned how to walk. You should see him go.

Jack had on the cutest little moccasins. I want to make some. But I never seem to get around to it.
Sorry some of you couldn't make it. Hope to see you next month.